Newsletter N°2 – our food system

Newsletter N°2 – our food system

“Social protection and the right to food are essential to building successful, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agri-food systems that leave no one behind. ”

This is how the FAO describes the right to food, but today this right is unfortunately violated in many ways.

Our society has turned this human right from a necessity into a commodity: Indeed, supermarkets are no longer places to buy food, but to sell products according to a capitalist logic, where the goal is to produce as much as possible while spending as little as possible. This opens the door to the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and GMOs, which are sources of pollution for water, land, air and which kill biodiversity.

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Yes, because there is a continuation. So much the worse for the grumpy people and/or the skeptics who thought that it would be just a flash in the pan. Indeed, by paying a lot of attention, by listening to the citizens and by building a collective agenda, we have shown that it is possible to mobilize, in concrete actions, to change our behaviors (without losing quality of life) and to take part in the decarbonization necessary to, at least, slow down climate change. Eleven groups met on December 3, and now it is time to meet again to exchange our experiences and continue to build a common future.

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Geneviève Jadoul for the the Citizen’s Climate Collective group, to broaden access to vegan food (Organic and Local Consumption group)

We want to motivate restaurants to offer one or more vegan dishes on their menu. Many restaurants already offer vegetarian options. However, since the dairy industry is just as cruel and harmful to the environment as the meat industry, more and more people are trying to reduce their consumption of animal products and would be happy to see more vegan options in restaurants. Since vegan dishes can be eaten not only by vegans, but also by vegetarians, lactose-intolerant people and carnivores, restaurant owners would kill two birds with one stone.

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In the center of Esch, a stone’s throw away from the rue de l’Alzette, MESA is a third place dedicated to the ecological transition and more specifically to projects around food.

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Baskets of fresh and dry products, organic, local, in bulk, at reasonable prices, all delivered to your home.

Did you know it was possible? For a few months now, the Km0 Cooperative (MESA) has been testing and developing a project to deliver dry and fresh products directly to individuals or to collective withdrawal points.

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In the same galaxy as the Mesa

We are not the only ones working for an inclusive, resilient and sustainable food in Esch. Here are the other actors who are engaged in this topic and with whom we collaborate with: CIGL Esch, SOS Faim, Eis Epicerie, Benu, CoLabor, the different participative and community urban gardens, etc. We invite you to discover these projects if you don’t already know them!

In this episode Yasmin Labidi, together with Karine Paris, Marine Henry et Daniel Waxweiler, discusses the theme of food production and consumption in Luxembourg. la thématique de la production et consommation alimentaire au Luxembourg.