The CCC – how to participate

The Citizen’s Climate Collective – how to participate

How can I take part?

There are several ways to participate at the Citizens’ Climate Collective:

  • to join an existing work group
  • to create a new work group
  • to organise meetings in your district

Every involvement is welcome and you can contribute to this collective work according to your availabilities and preferences.

But what is a work group?

It consists in a regrouping of people who want to work on a specific subject and/or district. Every group decides about their way of functioning, their objectives and the frequency of meetings.

Our values 

Mutual respect: Everyone has the right to speak. We listen to one another and respect each other.

Inclusion: Everyone is welcome and can participate as a valued, respected member contributing to the community as long as they respect the shared values of the group. In the same line, we forbid a positioning that could prevent the inclusion of everyone.

Non-violence: We exclude all violent, destructive or malignant behaviour.

Dialogue: We want to favour constructive dialogue between citizen and the different parties involved.

Radicality: In opposition to greenwashing, we are convinced that it needs deep changes in societies that are at the height of climate challenges.

Collective intelligence: Alone, we go fast; but together we go further. Collective intelligence is the connection of skills, knowledge, creativity, reflection and problem-solving capacities… at the service of a common objective.

Co-construction: We would like to proceed according to a participatory process, make emerge, create spaces for analysis and idea exchange, build the solutions that we find most adapted together.

Empowerment: At our scale, we – as citizen – can be active and a force of proposition. We can change things and provoke change from our cocitizen. Together, citizen can also dialogue with the concerned politicians or industries. There is no ready-made solution, it is up to us to construct our future together.

Adaptability: We want to move forward together, experiment, be open to evolve the concept, the approach, the methods according to the participatory process.

Diversity: Diversity in people, skills, time investment, …