The national network – CELL
CELL – the transition Hub is the main organisation supporting the actions for ecological transition in Luxembourg. It brings together the initiatives for social, ecological and economical change.
The CELL aims at making the Luxembourgish society less reliant on fossil energies, more cohesive and inclusive and able to respond to climate change and its challenges.
A global movement… Just around the corner
Founded in 2006 in the UK, the « Transition towns » network now counts thousands of projects in more than 50 countries.
The Transition Luxemburg platform was initiated in 2010 by the CELL. Today, it is structured in regional groups (Luxemburg-city, Minett, Uelzechtdall, North, South, East, West etc), by topics (including permaculture, urban gardening, seeding, energy, economic models, Do-it-yourself, repair Café etc.) and by field projects (Äerdschëff, Climate and citizen participation pact, REconomy, urban gardening, Earth our Garden on intercultural gardens etc). Since 2013, the movement has generated several cooperative companies (TERRA, organic market gardening, TM EnerCoop, energy and Kilominett 0 as well as AlterCoop promoting responsible consumption).