Urban garden Breedewee Esch
The URBAN GARDENING is a voluntary process of reclaiming the production cycle of our fruits and vegetables, of wanting to know where our food comes from and of wanting to produce naturally and consume locally. Our approach is based on the promotion of intergenerational and intercultural contacts, on the exchange and sharing of knowledge and on the opportunity to be able to give rise to convivial meetings.

The Quartiersgaart Breedewee is a community garden in Esch-sur-Alzette, located rue Large in Esch-Alzette (across Parc Laval), initiated by Transition-Minett on a plot made available by and with the financial support of the city of Esch.
It is open to all residents of the neighborhood and elsewhere, in a spirit of exchange, openness and respect, to come and garden, on a regular or occasional basis, to rejoice from the plantations, to forge social ties, to discuss … The shared garden has an educational, a solidarity and an ecological vocation.
Everyone is welcome to come and garden, visit or relax.

This community garden in the heart of the city of Esch offers a local alternative for relaxation and involves an exchange with and between the inhabitants of the district.
As this garden has an educational objective as well, even the less initiated will be able to participate and have their experience.
Objectives of the garden:
- Practice gardening in a collective setting
- Be a place of meeting, exchange, sharing and community
- Improve biodiversity in urban areas
- Raise awareness of ecological gardening practices, the environment and sustainable development
- Perpetuate or rediscover knowledge of vegetable gardening
- (Re)give pragmatic knowledge of the plant world through the practice of gardening
- (Re)discover nature, and know where the food comes from
- Harvest healthy and local vegetables
- Community spirit and preservation of the environment are essential.

Principles :
- It is a shared garden, so it is part of a collective operation.
- The entire surface of the plot is cultivated by everyone (no individual plots).
- The harvests are shared among everyone. The garden is open to everyone, provided that the basic principles of shared gardens are applied: conviviality, courtesy, solidarity, mutual aid, sharing, respect for others and the environment.
- The cultures are done in an ecological way favoring as much as possible the life of the soil without pesticides or chemical fertilizers.
- Everyone puts their equipment away after use
- Everyone respects the place and its tranquility and that of the neighbors
- Decisions are made collectively
We garden together on Saturday mornings (in season) from 10:00.
Do not hesitate to come and meet us to learn more about the garden or to participate in the gardening.
Do not hesitate to join the garden’s Facebook page , to subscribe to our email list by sending a message to jardin.esch@transition-minett.lu , to be informed of our latest news and to contact us for more information.