Transition Minett
The TRANSITION MINETT initiative was launched in December 2011 with the objective of preparing today for a world without petrol for tomorrow. The challenge we are setting is that everyone is capable of acting, being creative and expressing skills, in concrete and positive actions in order to respond to the double challenge of peak oil and climate change, but also to social and economic crises.

Our source of innovation is to build on the network and activate the strengths and talents that lie dormant in society: the inhabitants of a neighborhood, local businesses, schools, artists, politicial decision-makers, etc.
- Create a better future that is less vulnerable to ecological, energy and economic crises
- Reduce fossil fuel consumption
- Rebuild a vigorous and sustainable local economy and regain a good degree of resilience through the relocation of what can be
- Acquire the necessary qualifications and know-how
TRANSITION MINETT offers concrete projects at the local / regional level:
- Urban gardening
- “Consum’action”
- A green energy cooperative TM Enercoop
- Raising awareness through fun activities, like the Do-It-Yourself festival
- Activities and workshops