What is the Citizens’ Climate Collective?
For a sustainable future in Esch/Alzette, join the Citizens’ Climate Collective!
It’s urgent, the house is burning!
Transportation, energy production, food, deforestation, industries,… human behaviours are contributing to climate change, with consequences that are more and more noticeable: changing precipitation regimes, multiplication of extreme phenomena such as devastating fires or heat waves, acidification of the oceans and increases of sea levels. The fight against climate change is one of the biggest challenges for humanity because it calls for a deep shift in societies, territories and the economy.
Where is Luxembourg’s ecological footprint at?
If the world’s population was living like the population of Luxembourg, 7.8 worlds would be necessary to satisfy humanity’s needs. In Luxembourg we would therefore need to divide our footprint by about 8.
But who is to blame?
At an individual level we are of course not the only ones responsible for climate change! We share that responsibility with the industries, agriculture, firms, the government, …
But we are ready to bet that we are all capable to act, to be creative and to use our skills in order to radiate changes while faced with the double challenge of our dependence on fossile energies and climate change, but also social and economical crises.
What is the Citizens’ Climate Collective (CCC)?
The Citizens’ Climate Collective is a project by the non-profit association Transition Minett and consists in regrouping, through a co-construction process, an orchestra of citizen desiring to be involved for a sustainable future in Esch/Alzette. The collective will be composed of different work groups (already existing or to be created), who each work on a theme and/or scale of a district, so as to come up with solutions through concrete positive actions, deep reflections and political dialogue.
Each work group is part of the Citizens’ Climate Collective, which gathers at least once a year for a collective, convivial encounter. This encounter will foster exchanges, creation of synergies, convergence of projects, emergence of revendications, actions and communal interpellations of political decisionmakers, …
Who is the Citizens’ Climate Collective speaking to?
To all citizen, firms, … who are worried, if not scared, by climate change, who live or work in Esch/Alzette, or feel close to the city.
The launch of the Citizen’s Climate Collective is happening on 3 décembre 2022 at Ellergronn, come join us!
A look back at the first Festival of Citizens in Transition: E(s)ch maach(e) mat!
On June 29, 2024, Transition Minett organized the festival of Citizens in Ecological Transition in 14 locations, with CCC groups and local partners: