
Long live cycling!

The transportation sector accounts for almost 60% of CO2 emissions in Luxembourg, compared with only 30% for our neighbours. This is partly due to the strong attachment to personal cars (700 cars per 1,000 inhabitants, 1st place in Europe). What’s more, half of all journeys of less than 5km are made by car!

A fundamental method for reducing the supremacy of cars is to rethink our cities.

Gent, for example has redesigned it’s motorised traffic system into sections that are inaccessible to each other, at the same time, they developed a strong system of park-and-ride facilities, improving public transport and creating an interconnected cycle network, among others. And the results are very positive, motorised traffic has fallen by 20%!

The City of Esch intends to do the same with its new mobility plan, unveiled last year.

The best alternative to the car in town remains the bicycle and its offshoot the cargo bikes that are starting to appear everywhere.

A bike centre should soon be opening in Esch-sur-Alzette too. You’ll be able to drop in to maintain or repair your bike, test out accessories or find the best routes for your cycling trips!
