Do you have questions about the Collective Citizens for the Climate? Do you want to get more involved in this project or join a working group? Here are the groups, their actions and contacts!
All the Collective Citizens for the Climate groups will meet on Thursday, June 29 6.30 pm at the Breedewee Garden (in front of Parc Laval).
Escher Collective Gardens Group
The different participative gardens of Echois meet regularly to exchange about our practices, our problems and our successes. At the moment we are working on a common information board to display in front of our gardens. We meet regularly on this subject. If you wish to join a garden and/or participate in our working group.
Contact: – for more information about the group and the different collective gardens that participate.
Neighborhoods in Transition Group
During the December 3 workshop, we dreamt about our Escher neighborhoods in Transition.
Since then, different actions and projects have been launched in the city’s neighborhoods: the development of a new community garden, by the inhabitants, near the school, maison relais and the crèche in Nonnewisen. And in partnership with the CIGL, consideration of a ‘neighborhood citizen’s house’ to be imagined during an event with neighbors on May 21, 2023 in front of the Lycée technique de Lallange.
We are engaged with creating an intergenerational, intercultural and inclusive neighborhood house in Lallange and a new community garden, under construction, in Nonnewisen (in partnership with CIGL). Projects for transition in the neighborhoods abound in the North of the city
Contact: For more information on these groups or to set up an action/project for the Transition in your neighborhood, contact
When the CCC was launched, we imagined a waste-free Esch and reflected on existing and future solutions.
The group has since tested the “waste fresco” and is in the process of adapting it to the Luxembourg context.
After a visit to Minett Kompost and Sivec in summer 23, followed by an awareness-raising and litter-picking action in Esch to discuss the problem of littering, in collaboration with Serve the City, the group organized – in partnership with Foodsharing Luxembourg – a meal with recycled food, in a convivial and anti-gaspi atmosphere, at the end of October.
A meeting will be held again in February 2024.
Contact: Would you like to join the group? Contact us! yasmin(@)
The CCC Culture – The artivists of the 4 seasons
Objective: To mark each change of season with a playful action in the public sphere that makes you think about climate change. First action for the beginning of spring: Clowns distributed seeded flyers to drivers stuck in traffic during the morning and late afternoon in Esch, to inspire them think about soft mobility.
After the success of our collective action in the spring – with the distribution of seedable leaflets (embedded with seeds) to drivers stuck in traffic jams in Esch, to encourage them to use the bicycle, public transport or carpool – an action is planned for the arrival of summer, on June 21, in the evening, at the intersection of Rue de l’Alzette and Avenue de la Gare: a surprise tasting of products made by us. “Do you like it? We made it ourselves?” or how to learn while having fun!
Contact :
Construction Group
The group has focused on two areas of development:
– Energy in buildings, with possibilities for self-construction of mini wind turbines or thermal energy panels.
– reflections on the storage of second-hand materials involving local and sustainable materials
We asked ourselves a lot of questions about energy in buildings and in the construction sector, a big topic this long winter, questioning energy levels and the ability to sufficiently heat ourselves. From this arose discussions that we would like to share in the form of a small folded publication, not exhaustive, but reflecting the conversations in our group, due out in June!
Green Mobility Group
Since the CCC 2022, the group has chosen to work on a cyclist’s house as well as on an information brochure on green mobility in Esch and surroundings. It will also soon work on the new Local Mobility Plan (PLM 2035) that the City of Esch unveiled at the end of April.
Circular Economy Group
After having considered working on programmed obsolescence, it was finally agreed that it was necessary to clarify the bases of the Circular Economy. One of the members of the group is currently being trained for the animation of the Circular Economy Fresco. We will soon organize a session of this Fresque at Facilitec.
The date will be confirmed soon, stay tuned…
Food Group
Since CCC 2022, the group has met twice to discuss vegan options in Esch, with two actions:
- Open letter to restaurant owners inviting them to offer and highlight vegan options, including advice.
- A postcard to thank restaurants that offer vegan options.
Next meeting: date to be determined
Eco-Feminism Group
A round table and group discussion was held in 2022 based around: what eco-feminism is, the ecological mental load of women, possible awareness raising actions and the place of women and youth in politics. Several activities took place, including an evening on Zero Waste rules and the difficulty of talking about this topic at work and in the family.
With Sweet Josephine, a group of citizens is starting a cycle of meetings (what to plant for your well-being), with also readings around eco-feminism.
The group will soon meet to do a workshop on the Donut economy in early 2024.
Contact: yasmin(@)