
Luxembourg’s transportation situation

According to a research published by in August 2019, three-quarters of the households in Luxembourg own one (45%) or two (30%) cars. Furthermore, the statistics reveal that 8% of households own three cars and a minority (3%) owns four cars or more. In other words, this means one out of ten Luxembourgish households has three or more cars available to use (11%).

Which makes Luxembourg a real car paradise with the highest number of passenger cars per 1000 inhabitants in the EU with 670 cars, with our neighbors scoring far better with Germany having 570 cars, Belgium having 520 cars and France 480 per 1000 inhabitants. To this statistic comes that Luxembourg has the second-highest share of passenger cars younger than two years with 29.2%.  

But why is that the case, why don’t we use public transportation in Luxembourg more often?

When we talk to people about public transportation in Luxembourg, they often say that the connections and times are quite bad and impossible to rely on, so they just use their cars to be more independent. For example, a trip from Mondorf to Luxembourg takes 26 minutes by car but up to two hours by train or a trip from Luxembourg city to Echternach takes 40 minutes by car while the same trip takes one and a quarter-hour by bus on weekdays. But longer commutes are not the only problem, people also often argue that buses and especially trains aren’t reliable with their timing and often arrive too late at their destination and that the number of buses per line isn’t enough. For example, living in Rameldange means that on Weekends you will only have one bus every two hours.

Well, why is it this way?

There isn’t any particular reason for this, but we can try and simplify it a bit. So, one obvious point is that our public transportation grid is quite outdated. For example, there are bus lines traveling the exact same routes as trains (290 from Luxembourg city to Mersch), all these bus lines should be revaluated and if there is no need for them then cancel them and use the extra resources to strengthen busy lines. The second big problem is that our road network is already at capacity especially the closer you get to Luxembourg city. As buses use the same roads as cars and as mentioned before we have quite a car problem buses will get stuck in the traffic and delay their arrival by default.

The positive aspect of our public transportation and road network problem is that the government acknowledges the problem and is coming up with solutions. For instance, many parking lots are being built around cities in Luxembourg, allowing workers to take the bus to their workplace instead of contributing to the big traffic problem inside the city. Also, 2.2 billion Euros have been invested in building tramlines and on strengthening the rail network to carry more people. The first tram line between Kirchberg and the central station is already constructed which will expand by 2025 to include the airport Findel and the neighborhoods of Bonevoie, Howald and Cloche d’Or. As well as a line traveling between Esch/Alzette and Luxembourg city. The goal of this is to keep cars out of the city and for the workers to use primarily public transportation from and to work. But even buses driving to cities stop on their edges and there the passengers change to lines driving through cities. To conclude, public transportation has been made free for everyone in 2019 to incentivize the citizens to use it.

All of these efforts show their first impacts on the passengers carried by rail, where the rise went from 22.5 million (2015) to 25 million (2019). The same can be observed on bus lines where inner-city travel rose from 12 million passengers (1938) to 47.7 million (2015). For the outer city travel, it went from 19.7 million (1990) to 43 million (2010). Similar numbers can be observed when talking about budget and the number of trains and buses used. For example, CFL’s budget rose from 289.3 million (1999) to 560.9 million (2019). Simultaneously, the number of trains doubled throughout these two periods.



Lëtzebuerger Transport Situatioun

Zu Lëtzebuerg, huet den am August 2019 eng Recherche publizéiert déi weist, dass dräi Véierel vun de Haushalten een (45%) oder zwee (30%) Autoen besetzen, d’Statistik wéist awer och nach datt 8% vun de Stéit dräi Autoen besetzen an eng weider Minoritéit ( 3%) gehéieren véier Autoen oder  nach méi. An anere Wierder, dëst bedeit datt ee vun zéng Lëtzebuerger Haushalten dräi oder méi Autoe zur Verfügung hunn fir ze benotzen (11%).

Des Zuelen mécht Lëtzebuerg zu engem richtegen Autoparadis mat der héchster Unzuel u Persounenautoen an der EU mat 670 Autoen pro 1000 Awunner, woubäi eis Nopere vill besser ofschneiden mat Däitschland 570 Autoen, Belsch 520 Autoen a Frankräich 480 pro 1000 Awunner. Zu dëser Statistik kënnt och nach, dass Lëtzebuerg deen zweet héchsten Undeel u Passagéier Autoe huet, déi méi jonk wéi zwee Joer sinn, mat engem Undeel vun 29,2%.

Awer firwat ass dat de Fall, firwat benotzen d’Lëtzebuerger den ëffentlechen Transport net méi dacks?

Wa mir mat de Leit iwwer den ëffentlechen Transport zu Lëtzebuerg schwätzen, soen se oft datt d’Verbindungen an d’Zäite relativ schlecht sinn an onméiglech sinn sech drop ze verloossen, dofir benotze se léiwer hiren Auto fir méi onofhängeg ze sinn. Zum Beispill, dauert eng Rees vu Mondorff op Lëtzebuerg 26 Minutten mam Auto awer bis zu zwou Stonnen mam Zuch oder eng Rees vun der Stad Lëtzebuerg op Iechternach dauert 40 Minutten mam Auto wärend déi selwecht Rees eng an eng Véierel Stonn mam Bus dauert. Awer méi laang Pendele sinn net deen eenzege Problem, d’Leit plädéieren och dacks datt Bussen a besonnesch Zich net mat hirem Timing anhalen an oft ze spéit op hirer Destinatioun ukommen. Dozou kennt och nach, datt see net oft genuch kommen, zum Beispill, zu Rammeldang wunnen heescht datt Weekends nëmmen all zwou Stonnen ee Bus kennt.

Firwat ass datt esou?

Et gëtt natierlech net een eenzege Grond, awer et kann een probéieren de Problem bëssen ze vereinfachen. Also, een offensichtleche Punkt ass datt eisen ëffentlecht Transportnetz zimmlech all ass. Zum Beispill, et gi Buslinnen déi genau déiselwecht Strecke fuere wéi Zich (290 aus der Stad Lëtzebuerg op Miersch), all dës Buslinne kéinten nei evaluéiert ginn a wann se net méi néideg sinn, da kann een se annuléieren a déi extra Ressourcen benotzen fir Linnen ze stäerken déi iwwerlaascht sinn. Dat zweet Problematik ass, datt eist Stroossennetz scho ob maximum Kapazitéit leeft, besonnesch wann een de Stied wei Ech oder Lëtzebuerg méi no kënnt. Well Bussen déiselwecht Stroosse benotze wéi Autoen a dowéinst am nämmlechten Stau stinn, ass den Problem net nëmmen deen vun enger schlechter Organisatioun mee och deen vun ze villen Autoen ob den Stroossen.

Datt Positiivt un eisem ëffentlechen Transport a Stroossen-Problem ass datt d’Regierung de Problem unerkennt a Léisunge sicht. Zum Beispill bauen mir Parkhaiser ronderëm déi gréisser Stied zu Lëtzebuerg, wou d’Aarbechter parken a dann Busse kënnen op huelen fir ob d’Aarbechtsplaze, sou datt se net mat hiren Autoe bannent de Stied fueren an se verstopfen. Doniewent ginn 2,2 Milliarden Euro fir ausginn fir den ëffentlechen Transport auszebauen an d’Eisebunnsnetz ze stäerke fir méi Leit kennen ze transportéieren. Déi éischt Tramslinn tëscht dem Kierchbierg an der Gare ass scho gebaut, déi bis 2025 ausgebaut gëtt bis ob de Fluchhafe Findel an d’Quartiere vu Bonevoie, Houwald a Cloche d’Or verbënnt. Wéi och eng Tramslinn tëscht Esch / Uelzecht an der Stad. D’Zil vun dësem ass d’Autoen aus der Stad ze halen a, datt d’Aarbechter virun allem den ëffentlechen Transport fir op d’Aarbecht ze benotzen. Awer och Bussen, déi a Stied fueren, wäerten an Zukunft virun den Stied stoppen an do wiessele Passagéier dann ob Buslinnen, déi se an d’Stied fueren. Als lescht däerf een net vergiessen, dass den ëffentlechen Transport fir jiddereen am Joer 2019 gratis gemaach gouf fir säi Gebrauch ze promovéieren.

All dës Efforten weisen hir éischt Auswierkunge, wei opsteige vun der Unzuel un Leit déi mat den Zich transportéiert goufen, klemmt vun 22,5 Milliounen am Joer 2015 op 25 Milliounen am Joer 2019. Dat selwecht kann een op Buslinne beobachten, wou d’Rees bannent de Stied vun 12 Millioune Passagéier am Joer 1938 op 47,7 Milliounen am Joer 2015 geklommen ass an d’pendelen ausserhalb vun de Stied ass vun 19,7 Milliounen am Joer 1990 op 43 Milliounen am Joer 2010 geklommen. Änlech Zuele kënne observéiert ginn wann een de Budget an d’Zuel vun den Zich déi benotzt ginn ukuckt, hei ass de Budget vun der CFL vun 289,3 Milliounen am Joer 1999 op 560,9 Milliounen am Joer 2019 eropgaangen, gläichzäiteg huet d’Unzuel vun den benotzten Zich verduebelt.



Why use the EcoBox?

The EcoBox itself is produced by a German manufacturer called Ornamin, who specializes in the production of food containers, tableware and eating aids. For the base of the EcoBox, they used a polymer called PBT (Polybutylene terephthalate), and the lid is made from PE (Polyethylene). Both compounds are fully recyclable and do not lose their properties and qualities in this process, so even if a container/lid is damaged the company will take them back and reuse the plastic to make a new EcoBox or one of their other products. Both compounds also have the benefit that they do not leak chemicals and microplastics into your food. This is important as many of the Polymers used in food containers or plastic bottles are carcinogenic, a good example of such plastic is PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) which is mainly used in plastic water bottles or single-use-cutleries.

The EcoBox was introduced to the public in 2018 by the Luxembourgish government with the help of Superdreckskescht, which is a recycling company that specializes in plastics and generally materials that are harder to recycle. They also offer sensibilization work for schools and companies, for example, their trash separating label for companies (of which the Mesa has one). The EcoBox is an initiative to reduce the single-use plastic (SUP) waste created in Luxembourg. A study showed that Luxembourg creates 4490 tonnes of plastic waste each year. As SUP will be banned in 2021, the EcoBox is a pilot project aiming to reduce our excessive waste problem and replace SUP with long-term solutions.

Since its introduction, the green reusable container rose in prominence at restaurants and cafes around Luxembourg and by July 2020, 62 000 Boxes were being used in hundreds of canteens, schools, and restaurants. At the end of 2020, the number of boxes increased to 75 000. If we assume that each person uses one small and one large one, then within half a year around 5 000 new customers were using the EcoBox, which makes this project one of the most successful transition initiatives in Luxembourg.

The EcoBox ecosystem works with a deposit system. People ordering food to go from a restaurant pay a 5-euro deposit for the container (any size), they then take it home and clean it once they are done with it. They can then choose to give it back to a restaurant that supports EcoBox and get their deposit back or reuse it. As people only pay a deposit, even if the box breaks, it is basically free, which makes it a valuable, eco-friendly, and cheap alternative for consumers.

The initiative for a more sustainable food container for restaurants comes at the right time as there will be an EU-wide ban on SUPs from July 3rd, 2021. Furthermore, as the government is overseeing the initiative, restaurants are more likely to adapt and accept the containers when selling take-away food. Restaurant owners were often opposed to putting take-away food in reusable containers as it goes against hygiene regulations or simply because they didn’t want to be bothered with an alternative. Hopefully, the attitude towards ecological alternatives will change, now that there is a government-led initiative available.